The Articling Experience
When I was first asked to write about my articling experience, I’ll admit it – I panicked a little. After all, how can I say, “Oh, it’s super great! Super fulfilling! But it also kind of feels like everything in my life is constantly on fire”, without sounding utterly fatuous and chaotic? Because the thing is – articling is insane. The learning curve is steep; the workload is intense; and there are days where, yes, you will run the tap in the bathroom so no one can hear the little baby whale noises you make when you cry.
But then, there are good days – really, really good days: Days where clients cry and thank you for reuniting them with their child; days where you nail the application that you worked so hard on; and days where you are welcomed into the home of a loving refugee family, (who so sweetly tries to stuff you full of homecooked chicken even though you’ve been a vegetarian for twenty-three years).
The reality is: Yes, articling is tough – but it’s also overwhelmingly rewarding; especially at Naidu Legal. Here, I have not only gained tremendous hands-on experience in interacting with clients, arguing in Chambers, and drafting applications, but I’ve also learnt the value of working in a firm that not only supports you and your wellbeing, but also a firm that is filled with brilliant and warm individuals whom you can turn to – no matter the situation.
So, yes – while my articling experience has entailed a few days where I have functioned on nothing but coffee, Corn Nuts, and Redbull, and a few days where I have literally felt like that cow in Twister who gets tossed around by the tornado, the fact is: It is all so very worth it.
Learning from Ashala and the rest of the team at Naidu Legal has been the opportunity of a lifetime. From the legal education it has given me, to the personal relationships that I have built, and the office shenanigans that I have been permitted to take part in, (such as constantly suffocating Jody and Camille with my love; dressing up as a tiger, elf, and reindeer all within two months; and annoying the heck out of the rest of the team with my endless questions), I can honestly say that my articling experience has been overwhelmingly positive and fulfilling. So – while I may have cried more than anyone else in the office these past seven months, I wouldn’t change a thing.